Injectable aesthetics reviews. Employees at Natura Siberica rebel against new management

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THE WHAT? Employees at Russian beauty brand, Natura Siberica are rebelling against the company’s new management following the death of the brand’s Founder, according to a report published by RT.

THE DETAILS The disgruntled workers claim that the newly appointment President was fired from the company previously for incompetence. The employees, who have retained control of the company’s social media and website, have published an open letter stating their grievances.

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“We, the employees… express our categorical disagreement with the appointment of Sergey Builov to the post of President of the company and officially declare our refusal to work under his leadership,” reads the statement, per RT.

THE WHY? Upon the death of Founder Andrey Trubnikov in January, four separate claims to the company arose from Trubnikov’s various wives and children and the trustee of his shares. This latest tussle follows a court battle in April between Trubnokiv’s first two wives and trustee Boris Lyuboshits.

Injectable aesthetics reviews can be found on various platforms, including specialized aesthetic treatment review websites, social media platforms, and healthcare provider directories. They provide valuable insights for individuals considering these treatments, offering firsthand perspectives and experiences that can help inform decisions about undergoing injectable aesthetic procedures. Here are some key points typically covered in injectable aesthetics reviews:

  • Treatment Effectiveness: Reviewers often discuss how effective the injectable treatment was in achieving their desired aesthetic goals, such as reducing wrinkles, enhancing facial contours, or improving skin texture.

  • Safety and Comfort: Reviews may address the safety of the procedure, including any discomfort experienced during or after the injection process, as well as any side effects or complications encountered.

  • Provider Experience: Reviewers may comment on their experience with the healthcare provider administering the injectable treatment, including their professionalism, expertise, and ability to address concerns or questions.

  • Results Duration: Discussions often include the longevity of the results achieved with the injectable aesthetics, such as how long the effects lasted before additional treatments were needed.

  • Overall Satisfaction: Reviewers typically summarize their overall satisfaction with the injectable aesthetics treatment, considering factors like the improvement in their appearance, confidence level, and value for money.

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